$17 Million Investment Will De-Risk Innovative Technology Solutions to Boost Domestic Production and Recovery of Essential Materials for Next-Generation Technologies, Strengthening National and Energy Security
A statement from the U.S. Department of Energy.
Ensuring the reliability, resilience, and security of United States energy supply is a critical component of national security and essential to our daily way of life.
AI brings enormous potential for the nation’s economic prosperity and national security.
DOE Announces Framework for Assessing Research, Technology, and Economic Security (RTES) Risk
Funding Will Support Two Pennsylvania-Based Manufacturing Facilities Developing Innovative Long-Duration Batteries, Strengthen Grid Resilience, and Create Up to 1,000 High-Quality Union Jobs
Researchers at DOE’s Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory are using computers to improve the effectiveness of fusion devices called stellarators.
Did you know that you have the U.S. Department of Energy to thank for some of the science behind keeping your turkey fresh?
U.S. Secretary of Energy Jennifer M. Granholm and Minister of Energy Dainius Kreivys today signed an Intergovernmental Agreement to cooperate on the development of Lithuania’s civil nuclear power program.
A typical nuclear reactor can provide enough power to cook around 2.5 million turkeys on Thanksgiving Day.