In today’s corporate landscape, the concept of employee wellness has transcended from a mere buzzword to a fundamental necessity for the success of any organization.
Nothing in business stays the same. That applies to everything from changes in consumer behavior, executing business growth strategies, implementing innovative technologies, and employee benefit expectations — but it also pertains to leadership styles as well.
Innovation remains the cornerstone of business triumph. Entrepreneurs and driven leaders persistently pursue excellence to nurture their enterprises and vie for distinction within their sectors.
We’re living in an era defined by rapid global transformations, shifting demographics, and a growing awareness of environmental and social concerns. In response to this era, the role of sustainability in business has evolved from a mere forward-thinking aim to a pivotal pillar of strategic decision-making.
It’s easy for small business owners to get bogged down with day-to-day operations — there’s probably no shortage of urgent tasks that need your attention. As a result, setting aside time to check on your business’s financial health might get pushed to the back burner.
Monday, January 27: Andy Grewal (Iowa; Google Scholar) will present Tax Regulations After Loper Bright, 2025 Mich. St. L. Rev. ___ as part of the Missouri-Columbia Tax Policy Colloquium. If you would like to attend, please contact David Gamage. Tuesday, January 28: Jeff Gordon (Vanderbilt) will present Carbon Accounting as…
David A. Weisbach (Chicago; Google Scholar), Taxing Corporate Payouts: Corporate distributions total about $1.5 trillion per year, yet the system for taxing distributions is a mess. It favors buybacks over dividends, and therefore is a possible cause of the growth of buybacks in recent years. It is almost comically complex….
Bloomberg, 100 Days at the IRS: Rules Pause, Workforce and Leader Shakeup Bloomberg, House GOP Bill Threatens Retaliation Against Global Taxes Bloomberg, OECD Global Tax Deal Has No Force In US, Trump Says Bloomberg, OECD Will Keep Working With US Despite Trump’s Tax Deal Threat Bloomberg, SALT Talks Gain Steam…
New York Times, Justice Dept. Cancels Entry-Level Job Offers in Honors Program: The Justice Department has abruptly rescinded job offers made to dozens of recent law school graduates who were to be placed in entry-level positions in its antitrust, criminal, civil rights, immigration and national security divisions, and at the…